
Name: Bradshaw, David

Country: United States


- Matches played: 9

- First match on: 2018-07-05

- Current rating: 974

- Highest rating: 1003 on 2018-07-05T00:00:00.000Z

- Current ranking: 1099

- Highest ranking: 54 on 2017-01-06

- Lowest ranking: 1099 on 2024-09-19

- Win percentage: 0.222222

- Current streak: 4 losses

- Best winning streak: 1 on 2024-03-21

DateLocationOppositionOutcomePre Match RatingPoint ChangePost Match Rating
2024-07-12ISCO ChampionshipMeissner, Mac982-8974
2024-07-12ISCO ChampionshipSmotherman, Austin9784982
2024-07-11ISCO ChampionshipMeissner, Mac986-8978
2024-07-11ISCO ChampionshipSmotherman, Austin995-9986
2024-03-21Valspar ChampionshipKoch, Greg98213995
2018-07-06A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierShindler, Conrad995-13982
2018-07-06A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierGriffin, Lanto1003-8995
2018-07-05A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierShindler, Conrad991121003
2018-07-05A Military Tribute at The GreenbrierGriffin, Lanto1000-9991